I did not realize that we have created an awesome travel timeline throughout 2013 until the flipping in and out the travel photos ended.
We began our travel when the school term holiday started in March. ... looking forward this holiday as if we had not been holiday for years ...padahal bulan 12 lepas baru pergi abu dhabi. This trip a special one for me as my parents; papa & mama, my sister Aish and my youngest brother Aki joined us. So there were 6 adults with the three boys. We went to Pulau Perhentian, Terengganu. We took off by airasia flight bound to Kota Bharu Kelantan. From the airport, we chartered a van heading to Kuala Besut Jetty, Terengganu. It was an hour driving.
It was already 11am when we arrived at the jetty. We had to do some paperworks i.e registration to go the marine park etc before we board the boat. It was our first experience in the Terengganu offshore and had no idea what the boat journey will be. According to the local folk the sea rough because the time already noon. They advised my parents to sit at the center boat or near to the boatman. The chinese old man spoke to us using the malay Terengganu dialect.
Arrghh...tak paham satu pun apa yang hendak disampaikan. He puts some action while talking..ohhhh baru la faham kan.
Anyway, we spend two nights 3 days at the island. Sesudah check in..Panasnya..ya Rabbi hanya Allah yg Maha Mengetahui kepanasan itu. Sebabnya bekalan elektrik di chalet hanya bermula waktu malam sehingga lah tengahari keesokan harinya. Kami pun makan bekalan yang dibawa..kemudian sewa alatan snorkeling dan buat arrangement untuk island hoping. Seronok...

Hilang penat apabila mata dijamu dengan keindahan ciptaan Allah.

pantai yg agak berbatu kecil dan berpasir kasar tetapi masih sangat sesuai untuk berenang hanya di hadapan chalet kami
Selepas dua malam di pulau, we plan to have two nights stay at Kota Bharu. We rent a van with a driver only for one day. Hotel pulak we checked in at the Tune Hotel. Bersih, moden dan sangat kecil. Cukup la kan 4 bilik murah murah je yang penting toilet mesti mau bersih. Berjalan dan shopping sakan untuk lelaki-lelaki sahaja di Kota Bharu. Beli baju jersey pakain sukan di wakaf che yeh.. Besides that Kelantan delicacies are famous too! If you have gigi manis ...sweet tooth...boleh la cuba makan. For me boleh laa layan sekali-sekala kasi tukar selera.
Jun 2013
Inilah yang ditunggu- tunggu. A.U.S.T.R.A.L.I. A !!! In June ..?..Winter season?? But, no snow ye in the Western Australia. Sudah tentu lah yang paling excited si Angah. This would be his first experince with cold season. Yang pergi trip ini kami berempat. Aku, mr.R, Faiq and Ziyad. Along did not join because he will join his schooltrip to Brisbane for a week. What?? schooltrip?? Boleh aku lepaskan anak aku yg berumur 11tahun ke Australia bersama cikgu -cikgu dan kawan-kawan. Irfan's trip was costly. We explained to him why he need to choose and decide wisely where to go.... Perth? or Brisbane? Surprisingly, he answered with confident ..Brisbane. Ok no problem. Tapi dalam hati..boleh ke budak ni jaga diri sendiri..jaga makan minum baju sendiri..jaga solat sendiri. Adik pompuan aku cakap let him go. Jangan jadikan dia anak mommy laa. Ok ok.. Fine!
So kami ke Perth and Irfan ke Brisbane. Kami pergi dulu dan Irfan akan pergi Brisbane selepas seminggu kami pulang.
Perth Australia

anak "berkat" mommy..hahaha bukan anak mommy

we stayed here for a week..luckily ada microwave

one of the Halal Food shop. We stopped here when we were heading to the Caversham Wildlife Park.The lamb meat was so great and the meat taste so fresh. I can tell it the difference because back in Brunei we always buy the frozen meat. Unlike in Malaysia we still can get the fresh meat.
So many places we went. I love the factory outlet here. I was lucky there was sale and I would say very cheap. I bought clothes for my boys from cotton on and osh kosh b'gosh. I bought 2 small samsonite luggage which are suitable for putting inside the cabin. The shopping was really marvelous but dissapointed with the closing time at 5.30pm.. :(
August 2013
I think after one week Raya holiday, we managed to go to Singapore. It was second time visit for us as a family. We stayed in the Hyatt Hotel Orchard Road for three nights. The most important thing is the food serve here is halal.

Relaxing at the pool area

One whole day outing in the Sentosa Island. We only used the MRT public transport to go here.
No shopping in Singapore because we had enough shopping in Australia.
November 2013
This was unplanned holiday. My BIL invited us to join them in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah. After a lot of persuasions and the involvement of my MIL so we decided to have a go at the last minut. I had to write letters to the respective teachers informing them that my boys will miss one school day just to have a holiday with their grandmother in KK. Sounds like "macam takde masa lain nak pergi...". Bukan apa.. The school really strict with the students attendance. Tu yang malas nk pontengkan anak.
We drove our "new used-car" from Bandar Seri Begawan to Kota Kinabalu. It took 6-7 hours driving depends on the queue at the immigration post and the ferry to cross over Pandaruan River. But right now the new bridge built by the Brunei goverment and Malaysia government is ready for public. They officiate it early december 2013.
Anyway, we only managed to meet them and spent the holidays for 2days and one night with them since the time is not fit with our children school calendar. First night, we checked in at the Le-Meridien Hotel. The room was so spacious because we got the club member room. We had big family dinner at one of the seafood restaurant. I said big because there were My BIL and his wife, my niece, my MIL & my family.
Next day, after they went back home in the morning, we decided to have one more night stay in Tuaran, Sabah.

I love this picture!!
Alhamdulillah...Allah beri nikmat kepada makhluk-makhluk untuk berkongsi nikmat yg dirasa oleh makhluk yang lain. Hopefully there will be more to come in year 2014. InsyaaAllah.
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